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Chris Bianchi
Oct 8, 2016
Golf tournament draws record-high number of participants
With the highest number of players since the tournament was “resurrected” after Hurricane Irene, this year’s KSC/KMS Golf Tournament was...

Chris Bianchi
Oct 8, 2016
Student Council Presidential election gets competitive juices flowing
When the student body at a school is made up of highly driven, competitive athletes, it should come as no surprise that the Student...

Chris Bianchi
Sep 22, 2016
Black Bear Award – Rebecca Clark
Congratulations to Rebecca Clark, who was given the Black Bear Award at Wednesday’s all-school Community Lunch. Becca is a 12th grade...

Chris Bianchi
Sep 7, 2016
Orientation trip bonds an ever-growing group of student-athletes and faculty
Enrollment in Killington Mountain School’s full-term program has reached an all-time high in what is the fifth year of its existence,...
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