KMS has a dedicated athlete support group composed of the Director of High Performance, the Director of Athlete Care, the Director of Student Life, and the Director of Academic Support. These individuals meet weekly to review student needs and ensure that every athlete in every discipline has a holistic plan. The student is a key part of this process. The ultimate goal is to achieve elite-level sport and academic performance. Academic advisors, athletic team teachers, and our house teams round out the circle of care and support.
Academic Advisor and Personal Learning Plans
Every student at KMS is assigned an academic advisor whose primary role is to serve as an adult advocate within the school. The advisor acts as the liaison between the student and parents/coach/teachers/school officials to ensure consistency of message, as well as, serves as a mentor for students. Full-term students will work with their academic advisor to explore student interests, current, and future academic goals to develop a Personalized Learning Plan (PLP) for their time at KMS. PLP’s serve as an academic road map for students and allow them to explore academic options that align with their interests and career goals.
To succeed at KMS and in online learning means to develop the skills and characteristics that are critical for excellence in college and beyond:
Time management/making and following schedules
Communication skills/self-advocacy
Productivity skills/efficiency
Strategies for reading retention
Strategies for effective writing in the digital media
Strategies for information management
Knowing when to seek help and being proactive in doing so
Whether online or in-person, teachers will hold classes following the schedule in effect at the time. That said, there is flexibility in what a “scheduled class” might look like. There may be one-on-one meetings between teachers and traveling students, or regularly scheduled classes. Failure to attend any scheduled learning opportunity without prior agreement with the teacher will be counted as an absence with consequences as outlined in the KMS Student Handbook.
When online learning is solely to accommodate individual absences due to athletic travel, it is incumbent on the student to communicate with the teacher in advance to arrive at reasonable meeting schedules and class expectations to accommodate the expected conditions during the period of travel.
Due Dates and Timeliness:
During periods of online learning, deadlines for regular homework submission will take time zones and other variables into account. For example, if students are attending a class synchronously (live), a teacher may ask them to submit their homework at class time. If students are not attending synchronously, the teacher may ask them to submit their homework before the beginning of the next class meeting or prior to viewing a recording of the class. It is incumbent upon the student to communicate and discuss in advance with their teachers an inability to meet a deadline and to arrive at a reasonable alternate due date.
Honor Code:
Academic honesty, and everything it entails and affects, applies equally to every learning environment - including online learning. Thus, whether in-person or learning distantly, every KMS student is expected to adhere to the KMS Academic and Online Honor Code.
Over the course of the year we encourage and welcome our KMS parents to check in with their child's KMS teachers and coaches. We have set up several parent-teacher-coach conference dates. If some of our parents are unable to make the scheduled conferences, we are more than happy to schedule a different meeting time.
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
At Killington Mountain School (KMS), our community is “built upon mutual respect” where “students learn to balance their responsibilities in a diverse environment.” Graduates of our academic and athletic programs are “uniquely prepared for life beyond KMS.” It is clear that the world is even more interconnected than ever before. Thus, our mission involves a sharpened focus on diversity and equity, recognizing inequalities and the need for a sustainable future for all people and the planet.
Diversity: We commit to increasing diversity, which is expressed in myriad forms, including race and ethnicity, gender and gender identity, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, language, culture, national origin, religious commitments, age, (dis)ability status and political perspective.
Equity: We commit to working actively to challenge and respond to bias, harassment, and discrimination. We are committed to a policy of equal opportunity for all persons and do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, marital status, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, disability, religion, height, weight, or veteran status.
Inclusion: We commit to pursuing deliberate efforts to ensure that our campus is a place where differences are welcomed, different perspectives are respectfully heard and where every individual feels a sense of belonging and inclusion. We know that by building a critical mass of diverse groups on campus and creating a vibrant climate of inclusiveness, we can more effectively leverage the resources of diversity to advance our collective capabilities.
Diversity is where everyone is invited to the party.
Equity means that everyone gets to contribute to the playlist.
Inclusion means that everyone has the opportunity to dance.
Diversity Committee Mission:
In alignment with the global citizenship goal, to encourage students to
Investigate the world beyond their immediate environment.
Recognize their own and others’ perspectives.
Communicate their ideas effectively with diverse audiences.
Translate their ideas and findings into appropriate actions to improve conditions.
Progress Reports
Academic progress reports are generated from students' Google Classrooms. They are live Google sheets that parents may view at any time. Each progress report shows the academic work done by that student - including assignments and tests, grades, upcoming work, as well as teacher comments. Athletic reports are in the same folder. This content varies and may contain calendars, fitness testing and screening results, athlete goals, etc. Information will be updated regularly.
Explanation of Grades
Report cards are issued quarterly. They are sent via email to the parents of our student-athletes. Report cards for winter-term athletes are also sent to the sending school guidance counselors.
Grading scale:
97-100 = A+ = 4.0 93-96.99 = A= 4.0 90-92.99 = A- = 3.67
87-89.99= B+ = 3.33 83-86.99 = B = 3.0 80-82.99 = B- =2.67
77-79.99= C+=2.33 73-76.99 = C=2.0 70-72.99=C- =1.67
D+=1.33 D=1
GPA will be calculated as unweighted. The Cumulative GPA is calculated based on the entire set of grade points. Pass/Fail Grades will not be calculated in the GPA.
For Students transferring to KMS - the school will only accept “D” or better grades.
Honors Policy
Students may take most courses at the Honors level. Honors designation will be determined prior to the start of classes by obtaining permission from the teacher. Honors level world language courses are recommended for levels 2 and up. In some rare exceptions, Honors designation will be granted for level 1 at the discretion of the instructor, department head, and Director of Academics. Honors students are expected to perform at the highest rubric level, including employing high-level critical thinking, problem-solving, and assignments that reflect both depth of knowledge and reflection. Distinct requirements for Honors courses will be specified by each teacher for each course at the outset, and will include but are not limited to longer length requirements for written assignments, additional reading assignments, the completion of research papers and/or a thesis, and project-based work with a presentation element. The Honors designation is noted on the student’s report card and transcript.
Community Excellence
National Honor Society
The National Honor Society is a nationwide organization for high school students that aims to create an enthusiasm for scholarship, an appetite for leadership, a desire to render service, and to encourage the development of strong moral character in students. All members will spearhead some sort of “service learning” experience that aims to better KMS or the surrounding community. Student members must meet the following criteria: minimum of 3.5 GPA, 3 leadership roles in school or community, and 10 hours of service at school or within the community. All candidates are subject to review by a faculty council.
Student Council
KMS Student Council is a student-led organization which is supervised by faculty members. Student Council members are elected by their fellow classmates. Its primary objective is to foster leadership and organizational skills while allowing the student body a voice and avenue to communicate new ideas, interests, and concerns in an effort to affect change within the KMS community.
Academic Standout
Academic Standout is a recognition presented by the KMS teaching faculty to acknowledge the student who demonstrates a strong commitment and drive towards excellence. Students from all KMS programs are eligible. This recognition is detailed in personal narratives and presented at all-school meeting. An official write-up is posted on KMS' social media platforms and school website.
Black Bear Award
This award is intended to honor the student-athlete who goes above and beyond to benefit his/her teammates, friends, coaches, teachers, and school community without expectation of recognition nor reward. The award is given weekly when warranted; student-athletes are nominated by faculty members for this award, and in rare instances, by fellow student-athletes.
KMS Day of Giving
KMS feels strongly that everyone can benefit from giving back to the local community; therefore, every month we will take time to participate in an all-school activity that helps the greater Killington community. Activities may consist of bike trail maintenance and building at local networks, thank you notes to health care workers, helping the mountain with Green Up Day, or volunteering at the annual KSC ski swap.