Success in Stubai

A group of Killington Mountain School Alpine athletes has been in Stubai, Austria for just over a week now, training in optimal conditions. Alpine program director Tom Sell checked in with an update about how things are going, "We have had an excellent couple of days so far this block. The U19/21 boys have been skiing SL in the morning, followed by GS on a tough hill, which has been excellent for their ramp up as we move toward competition. The U16’s and girls shared GS training for two days on the normal training hill, with a healthy dose of free skiing. Spirits are high and the food is as good as I remember!"
Coach Pavel Stastny also shared that the weather has been perfect and the snow conditions great. Pavel said, "We have been slalom training, getting in 10 slalom runs on the first few training days and free skiing after. The kids are doing well, and everybody is trying their best."
In addition to full days of training, the crew has celebrated three birthdays: Marc Hartnett, Matt Fryer, and Jake Jenkins, and had some wonderful dinners out, along with spending time completing academic work. They will be in Austria until November 10, at which point they will return to Killington and to snow-covered trails of our own!