Columbus Day means KMS Parents' Weekend and KSC Ski & Bike swap

There's no better time to come to Killington for a few days than Columbus Day Weekend. The leaves will be in full splendor, the temperatures will return to their fall-norm with crisp mornings and nights and warm, sunny days, and there's a slew of important and fun things to attend from Friday-Sunday.
Head of School Tao Smith invited families in a recent communication:
"Fall Parents’ Weekend, is scheduled for Saturday, October 7 and Sunday, October 8, 2017, and we hope that all of our full-term, winter-term and new families can make it up to Killington on Saturday and Sunday. Our schedule for the weekend will include:
Saturday, October 7
o 9:30 AM mountain or road bike ride
o 11:30 - 1:00 PM lunch served in the KMS dining hall
o 12:30 - 3:30 PM Full-term parent/faculty conferences and open house
o 3:00 PM New Family Orientation
o 5:30 - 7:30 PM Parent social reception and meet-and-greet, Highline Lodge
Sunday, October 8
o 9:00 AM Family hike to Killington Peak from the Killington Ski Club building
o 11:30 AM KSC Development Program family cookout and open house at KMS
We are not scheduling specific meeting times for full-term conferences with coaches and teachers, but they will be in their offices and at school during the conference time and we encourage all full-term parents to find each of their children's teachers and coaches to check in on progress, season goals, athlete management questions, etc.
Our winter-term/new families will be hosted in a group meeting to start, followed by student-led tours of the facility, and will end with sport-specific meetings with the coaching staff. A detailed schedule will be presented upon arrival on Saturday, October 7.
At the Parent Social, we will be discussing several exciting new developments at KMS including our US Ski and Snowboard partnerships, the new bag jump, and our work this summer planning for an eventual campus upgrade and design. This will be a great opportunity to chat informally with KMS faculty and administration and to meet new families and make connections prior to the busy winter season.
Also, don’t forget that this weekend is the Killington Ski Club Monster Ski and Bike sale. This event begins Friday evening and runs throughSunday afternoon. It is a GREAT place to unload used equipment and clothing, and also a place to find great deals on new and used equipment for the coming season. Click here to find out more about the KSC sale.

In closing, we are so appreciative of you choosing KMS for your sons and daughters. We believe that KMS is the best place for adolescents and young adults to flourish and thrive. The balance between athletics, academics and social development at KMS is one of our greatest strengths, and with all of the exciting things taking place right now, from the World Cup, to the new Bag Jump, to our US Ski and Snowboard High Performance Center designation, to plans for campus expansion, etc., KMS is the most dynamic ski academy on the east coast. We look forward to welcoming you back or for the first time Columbus Day Weekend.
Think snow!"
We look forward to seeing everyone in the area on October 6-8!