Black Bear Award - Honor Brogden

Congratulations to Honor Brogden, who was given the Black Bear Award at Wednesday's all-school meeting. Honor is an 11th grade Alpine athlete who comes to KMS from Riverside, CT. She was nominated for this award by World Language Chair Claudia Revenko-Bowen. Claudia shared, "This week’s Black Bear award goes to Honor Brogden. As you all know Puerto Rico was hit by a major hurricane that has left the island devastated. More than half of the population is still without power and clean water. Especially in the interior, families are barely surviving. When Honor learned about what had happened in PR and also in Mexico, without even thinking about it, she said she wanted to do something, and she immediately started planning it. In a matter of two weeks, She recruited a group of awesome students to help her and they worked as a team to help people who live very far away, and whose realities are also very far from their own--from our own. It takes courage to do this, and selflessness. Mahatma Gandhi once said 'Be the change you wish to see in the world.' This is not a cliché and it shouldn’t be because 1) Our actions say so much more than our words 2) We have the power to make a difference in the life of a person or a community – never underestimate that. And never underestimate bake sales. With Honor’s leadership, over $1,000 dollars were raised at Ramshead, I told Honor that perhaps she should limit the sale to one day, but no, she decided that it would happen Friday and Saturday. I was here late Saturday afternoon, and then the students were making cookies in the kitchen to sell Sunday morning! The funds will be sent to Somos una Voz, an organization set up by Marc Anthony and JLo, in conjunction with many other artists, so funds reach PR directly. I know for sure this will make a difference. Remember, be the change. Thank you, Honor. I am very proud of you for leading this event, and very proud of everyone who helped out."
Congratulations, Honor!