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Rhonda Benoit

Liam Scott - 10/17 Black Bear Award

The first Black Bear Award of the school year was given to Liam Scott yesterday at the weekly all school meeting.

The Black Bear Award is given to the student that goes above and beyond the school's values and expectations. The core values are Adversity, Responsibility and Character; and the students and faculty revisit these values repeatedly as a way to keep us all held to a higher standard.

Liam was nominated by the entire Dining Hall staff as truly exemplary of a student that goes above and beyond. Rhonda Benoit, the Director of Nutritional Services, articulated the following in the school meeting:

" Liam is always there to help, whether it is picking up the dining hall, grabbing a full tray of dishes, washing the dishes, then even putting them away. He is kind, has wonderful manners and it always looking to help out. He makes all our days better"

Congraulations Liam!




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