Academic Standout - Ella Strong

Student Name: Ella Strong
House Team: Snowdon
Date of Presentation: January 18th, 2023
Faculty Presenter: Ian Groezinger
Please join the KMS teaching faculty in congratulating Ella Strong as this week’s Academic Standout! Ella is a Full-Term U16 Women’s Alpine athlete, who comes to KMS from Pittsfield, VT. A young academic defined by her work ethic and dedication, her drive and persistence to exceed expectations, as well as her thoughtfulness and class contributions, Ella has impressed several of our faculty with her work within the classroom. All those who put forth nominations for her this week agree that Ella is the type of student that embodies the academic excellence we champion within our academic programming, and is worthy of this recognition in the new year.
Putting forth Ella’s first nomination, as well as presenting for her at this week’s all-school meeting, is Social Studies Department Co-Chair and Middle School Humanities teacher Ian Groezinger. Ian states, “Ella came into this academic year motivated and ready to challenge herself. By enrolling in the honors section of my Modern World History class, she did just that. In facing the new rigors of longer (and more detailed) readings and annotations, more time consuming assignments, and rigorous essay parameters, Ella has been able to meet and exceed all expectations. She constantly volunteers meaningful thoughts to help drive class discussion forward, particularly in helping to answer the proverbial "so what?" This year, Ella has been proficient in both thinking and writing analytically, a valuable asset for any aspiring Historian. Congratulations, Ella!”
Seconding her nomination is Admissions and Advancement Coordinator and Full-Term World Languages teacher Liz Cardiasmenos. Liz reflects, “Ella has been doing outstanding work in advanced French. She has been getting ahead on assignments and is very determined to do the very best work that she can. She seeks feedback and then immediately applies it to her next assignment. I have definitely seen an increase in taking risks using the language, experimenting with new expressions and not always 'playing it safe.' She is making deeper analyses as well. Excellent work all around.”
Also supporting Ella’s nomination is World Languages and Media Literacy Department Chair and Social Studies teacher Robert Cavanna. Robert writes, “Ella has been exceptional in Italian 1. She has thus far successfully navigated the challenge of immersing herself in the study of two languages concurrently. She applies her advanced knowledge of French grammar to her study of Italian, and her innate ability for language acquisition is exceptional.”
And finally rounding out this amazing list of nominations is Health Teacher Judith Hamlin. Judy reflects, “Ella is a regular contributor in health class . She exhibits critical thinking and thoughtfulness during our class discussions. She is an exemplary student in my class . I strongly support her as a student who should be recognized.”
Please join our community in congratulating Ella’s amazing academic accomplishments! She has definitely set the bar high for the new year! Congrats, Ella! Way to rock it!