Academic Standout - Tim Wilson

Student Name: Tim Wilson
Date of Recognition: December 6th, 2023
House Team: Skye Peak
Faculty Presenter: Bridget Monaghan
Advisor: Robert Cavanna and Thea Young
Sport: U16 Alpine and DH Mountain Biking
Please join the KMS teaching faculty in congratulating Timothy Wilson as this week’s Academic Standout! Tim is a U16 Alpine and DH Mountain Biking athlete, who comes to KMS from Dunbarton, New Hampshire. Tim received several strong nominations this week from his teachers, who recognize the value Tim brings to any classroom through his thoughtful and engaging class participation, as well as his authentic drive to both learn and grow. A leader in both word and action as well as supportive peer and collaborator, Tim is the very definition of excellence within our academic programming.
Putting forth the first nomination for Mr. Wilson, as well as presenting for him at this week’s all-school meeting, is French language teacher and Dorm Supervisor Bridget Monaghan. Bridget writes, “Timothy is a model student, who engages thoughtfully with the material and always participates in class. He is always on top of his work, and stays organized and ahead on his assignments. He also asks thoughtful questions when he doesn't understand something. Most importantly, he helps facilitate an engaged and active learning environment for his peers. Through his frequent participation, he inspires other quieter students to come out of their shell and participate more.``
Seconding Tim’s nomination this week is Student Life Coordinator, Golf Program Director, and Studio Art/Graphic Design/Photography teacher Eric Kuntz. Eric states, “Tim Wilson is a pleasure to teach. He comes to class on-time, does what is asked of him and is always engaged. If he is traveling or going to be late he informs his teachers ahead of time. He is alway helpful when asked to do something, and does it without question.”
Putting forth our third nomination is Social Studies Department Co-Chair, Middle School and Winter-Term Coordinator, Registrar, and Humanities teacher Ian Groezinger. Ian comments, “Since day one of our Full-Term program Tim came out swinging. Picking up where he left off last year, Tim is consistently getting involved in the class discussion, contributing with meaningful comments and pushing the conversation forward. To date, Tim has excelled in all work assigned to him, earning high marks on all assignments and assessments. He is a true leader in the classroom.”
Finally, rounding out this amazing list of nominations is Math Department Co-Chair and Endurance Cycling Program Director Brad Ramsay. Brad reflects, “Tim is an awesome math student! He is eager to contribute to class, submits quality homework on time, and works to apply what he has learned to a variety of problems. He is an inquisitive as well as enthusiastic class leader, who brings those around him to a higher level. It is a pleasure to work with Tim!” Tim is currently in Colorado with his team for training this week, and is excited to get the season of Alpine racing started.
Please join us in congratulating Tim this week for Academic Standout! Excellent work, young man. Be proud!
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