Black Bear Community Award: Ben B.

Please join the KMS community in recognizing one of our seniors with this week’s Black Bear Community Award! The Black Bear Community Award is presented by the KMS faculty to individuals within our community who go above and beyond to benefit the many different groups at our school. These individuals selflessly dedicate their time and energy to improving our community without any expectation of recognition or reward. We continue to be incredibly grateful and humbled by the level of selfless commitment demonstrated by so many in our community on a daily basis. Their generosity and willingness to contribute positively foster an environment where all may reach their fullest potential, strive for excellence in both personal and professional growth, and have access to the unique opportunities that distinguish KMS from other educational and athletic institutions.
Our recognition this week goes to a student-athlete from our senior class: Ben Bonidy! Ben is a Full-Term Freeski athlete who comes to KMS from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Ben received several nominations from our faculty, each acknowledging his personal dedication to helping others, his willingness to step forward as a leader within our dorm, and his positive impact on those around him. His commitment to others, combined with his selflessness, was recently demonstrated when he helped one of our community members whose car became stuck in our parking lot one night. The weather conditions were poor, with cold temperatures, heavy snow, and high winds, making it difficult and time-consuming to get the car not only out of the parking lot but also onto the Access Road. Ben was one of the first to help, never complaining as he battled both the elements and the stubbornly stuck vehicle. He even stayed outside until the car was safely removed from campus, ensuring that he was available should further assistance be needed.
Known as a calming presence within our dorm, Ben offers quiet and thoughtful leadership that impacts both students and faculty alike. For our younger dorm students, Ben is seen as a big brother who is always there when they need someone to talk to. For our older dorm students, Ben helps ground them when they’re frustrated, listens when they have concerns, and provides support and encouragement during times of struggle and uncertainty. Additionally, for our Dorm Supervisors and Faculty on Duty, Ben is a constant source of assistance during every dorm shift. Lastly, our community notes that Ben is one of the driving forces of positivity within our halls and on the mountain. He is kind, respectful, and always willing to do his best for KMS. He is frequently one of the first to step forward when something needs to be done, and is always ready to collaborate for the betterment of all. He never complains and consistently encourages others to be their best selves, no matter the task at hand. Overall, KMS is deeply grateful to have someone like Ben in our community, as he makes us all better each and every day.
Please join KMS in celebrating Ben this week for our Black Bear Community Award! We are extremely proud of you, Ben, and we hope you know the difference you are making in our community throughout the year!