Jaedon Beardsley- Black Bear Community Recognition
Black Bear Community Award Recognition
Student Name: Jaedon Beardsley
Date: March 28th, 2022
Presenter: Courtney O’Keefe

The KMS community is proud to recognize Jaedon Beardsley as our last Black Bear Community Award recipient for this year’s Winter-Term! Jaedon is a U19 Men’s Alpine athlete, who comes to KMS from Barnard, Vermont. This award recognizes the student-athletes who go above and beyond through both action and word for our school community. These individuals embrace a genuine passion for community, seeking without thought of recognition or award to leave a place better than they found it. Jaedon was enthusiastically nominated for this recognition by members of our faculty for his continuous positive impact on our community as well as our men’s Alpine programming due to his genuinely kind nature, and quiet, yet supportive leadership and sportsmanship.
U19 Men’s Alpine and Downhill MTB coach Michael Hirschbuhl was the first to offer a nomination for Jaedon. Michael states, “I nominate Jaedon Beardsley for the Black Bear Community Award. Jaedon exemplifies the KMS spirit everyday through his words, actions & positive attitude. He always comes to training eager to learn and improve his skiing. Additionally, his positive attitude is infectious and he helps set fun vibes whenever he is with his teammates. Jaedon constantly impresses me with his analysis of his own skiing. His ability to articulate his daily focus is remarkable. He is always trying to figure out how to make himself a faster skier and is a true pleasure to coach. Lastly, Jaedon holds his teammates to his high standard. Whether it's encouraging them to take an extra run, or holding them accountable for being late to training, Jaedon is a natural leader and I am very glad to have him as part of the team.”
Supporting this nomination is Head Men’s Alpine Coach and Co-Program Director Micaela Holland. Micaela reflects, “ I support Jaedon’s recognition for our Black Bear Community Award as well! He has really started to become a leader, and holds both himself and his teammates accountable on a daily basis. He is a positive and contributing member to the Men’s Alpine Program.”
Adding to this list of nominations is Winter-Term Science and Math teacher Donna Brewster, who immediately stepped forward with her support upon seeing Jaedon’s nomination. Donna comments, “Jaedon is a great choice for our Black Bear Award! He is a pleasure to have in class. He continuously has a great attitude, and puts effort in his work.”
Lastly, Social Studies Department Co-Chair Courtney O’Keefe offers her nomination for Jaedon. Courtney reflects, “I am excited to put forth this nomination for Jaedon this week. This is my first year teaching him, and it has been a wonderful experience having him within my classroom. During his time within my class, Jaedon has not only impressed me with the type of student he is, but the type of person he is as well. It is refreshing to see a young man with such a strong character, dedicated towards positively impacting those around him. He comes to each class ready to learn and challenge himself. He is never afraid to ask questions, seek clarification, and put the work in to truly understand what we are learning from multiple perspectives. This dedication is infectious to those present, and it has often aided in motivating others around him to step up their focus and dedication as well. It is obvious that Jaedon is appreciative of the opportunity to be here at KMS and participate in both our academic and athletic programs. He never lets an opportunity to grow his own learning or skills slip through his fingers, and is appreciative of the extra help and support he receives from myself and other faculty members in the process. He is always a source of encouragement and support for his peers. He comes in each class ready to learn and ready to selflessly give his time and energy to help those around him. His interactions with others are always positive, and it is common to see him helping one of his classmates understand how to navigate our Google Classroom course page, or helping them understand any instructions given. I have often heard him offer assistance to others while walking through the hallways, oftentimes rearranging his own needs to help others. Overall, Jaedon offers our younger student-athletes a great peer role model of what hard work, dedication, and perseverance can achieve. A recognition well-earned in my book!”
Please join us in congratulating Jaedon as this week’s Black Bear Community Award recipient! Way to go, Jaedon!