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Sean Collins- Academic Standout 3/14/2022


Academic Standout Recognition

Student Name: Sean Collins

Date: March 14th, 2022

Presenter: Brendan Bucksbaum (Advisor)

The KMS Teaching Faculty is proud to recognize Sean Collins as this week’s Academic Standout! Sean is a Winter-Term U16 Alpine athlete, who comes to KMS from Portsmouth, Rhode Island. Sean received several nominations from his teachers, each highlighting Sean’s strong work ethic, authentic drive to learn, and his willingness to embrace challenges both in and out of the classroom.

Putting forth the first nomination is Full-Term Math and Science Teacher Adam Boshart. Adam writes, “Responsible, prompt, inquisitive, and genuinely intrigued by the material at hand, Sean has been a wonderful addition to the Physics classroom. He shows up early, asks great questions, communicates regularly, and ALWAYS has his work in on time. A freshman in Physics!? I was originally concerned he may be a bit behind in terms of pre-requisites, but Sean has been up to the challenge (if it has even been a challenge to him, I can't tell). Great work, Sean! This accolade isn't just given away, it is earned, and you have more than earned it!”

Seconding Sean’s nomination is English Department Co-Chair Nate Clifford. Nate reflects, “Every once in a while one encounters a student with an "old soul." This is frequently used to describe a young person who maintains an appreciation of others or models an unusual patience for long-term goals - some might say, a certain maturity. While Sean clearly displays long-term sight, maturity and a disciplined accountability for communication and getting work done on time - he also embraces one of my favorite "old soul" characteristics, the crankiness that comes with intelligence. Crankiness?!! Intelligence? How do these two characteristics describe Sean? Sean Collins, in exercising a sharp and discerning mind, frequently identifies conflicts in his tasks. This propensity to discover set-backs almost always comes with a note asking for advice. While I expect many students experience these set-backs, or conflicts, very few of them reach out to me. It is the ability to clearly identify and communicate about conflicts that make learning possible. In fact, without conflict, there is no growth. Sean exemplifies that learning occurs through adversity, and being comfortable with challenges allows for greater achievements. He reminds us all that a little suffering is a small price to pay for a deeper understanding and pride in one's achievements.”

Putting forth her own nomination is Winter-Term World Languages Teacher Ana Araguas. Ana states, “Sean in Spanish is committed to doing his best, and also seeks new challenges and takes responsibility for his learning. Sean is kind and helpful to everyone in the classroom. He is an example as a student.“

Continuing to support this recognition is Student Life Coordinator and Studio Art/Photography/Graphic Design teacher Eric Kuntz. Eric reflects, “Sean- Just an outstanding student. Let you know when he will be away. Has creative ideas and asks questions that have merit to them. Is a pleasure to have in class, and comes in on time or early.”

And lastly, rounding out this awesome collection of nominations is Social Studies Department Co-Chair Courtney O’Keefe. Courtney comments, “It is an absolute pleasure teaching Sean in my Early American History course this year. Since joining my class at the start of Winter-Term, Sean has been the ideal Social Studies student. These students embrace their natural curiosity, are dedicated to learning the history of their nation and world through multiple different perspectives and lenses, strive to identify the connections we have between our past and present, and are always seeking to look beyond the surface information presented in textbooks and other resources to see the bigger picture historical themes and concepts around us. Sean does all this and more within my classroom. His contributions to class discussions aid in making our study of early American History more meaningful as well as impactful. He consistently uses evidence to back up his ideas and opinions, and actively seeks to make connections to aid everyone in the room with understanding what we are studying on a deeper, more thought provoking level. More than once this year, he has given me opportunities to look at what we were studying from a new perspective, aiding in the growth in my own understandings as well. Congrats, Sean! A well-deserved recognition for your amazing work this year!”

Join us in congratulating Sean for this special recognition! Way to go, Sean! Be proud :)






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