SUPPORT Killington Mountain School
One of our main goals at KMS is to ensure that once a KMS connection is made, it lasts a lifetime.
As an alumnus, parent or friend of KMS, you are invited to become involved in the life of this school and invest in the community - your community.
Your giving makes a tremendous difference in the KMS community and we are thankful that the extraordinarily generous support is among the many great traditions at the school. Your gift makes it possible for the KMS community to thrive. Please give online today!
Giving Levels:
Olympic Level Supporter - $10,000+
World Cup - $5,000 +
Gold - $2,500 +
Silver - $1,000+
Bronze - $500+
Supporter - < $500
Thank you for your support!
Please make checks payable to: Killington Mountain School Development Office - Annual Fund, 2708 Killington Road, Killington, VT 05751
Make your gift instantly and securely using your credit card at our secure online giving site.
Monthly Payments
You can automatically debit your bank account or charge your credit card each month. For example, a gift of $300 is as simple as $25 per month. You can set up monthly payments by following the instructions at or by calling 802-422-5671 x 251.
Wire Transfer
To make a donation by wire transfer, please cont Chris Bianchi via e-mail or call 802-422-5671 x 251. If your gift is match eligible, request a matching gift form from your employer, and send it completed and signed with your gift. KMS will do the rest!
Donating appreciated securities allows you to potentially save taxes twice. You avoid paying capital gains tax and may be able to take a charitable income tax deduction. For additional information contact Chris Bianchi via e-mail or call 802-422-5671 x 251.
Matching Gift
The impact of your gift to KMS may be eligible to be doubled or possibly tripled. Many employers sponsor matching gift programs and will match any charitable contributions made by their employees. Some companies even match gifts made by retirees and/or spouses. Find out if your company has a matching gift policy. If your gift is match eligible, request a matching gift form from your employer, and send it completed and signed with your gift. KMS will do the rest!
Planned Giving
Planned Giving refers to charitable gifts that are arranged with forethought and are executed over an extended period of time or at some point in the future. A planned gift for KMS is a legacy that will impact the lives of student/athletes for years to come. A wide range of planned giving options allows you significant financial or tax benefits, while ensuring that KMS remains financially strong for future generations.
Amazon Smile
Do you shop on Amazon? Now you can give to KMS every time you do. Visit smile.amazon.com now and designate "Killington Tutorial Program" as your charity of choice. Then, bookmark that page and start your shopping at Amazon Smile each time you shop. Remember, only your orders that start at smile.amazon.com will benefit KMS. Looks for the Amazon Smile badge in your orders list to see which orders qualified.
For further information, contact Chris Bianchi by email or by phone 802-422-5671 x 251.
The Annual Fund is the school's most important source of revenue other than student-athlete tuition.
It is a vital part of the annual operating budget, contributing to every part of the school's operation.
Tuition and fees cover approximately 80 percent of the cost of the KMS experience.
Private support of individuals — alumni, parents, grandparents, friends, faculty, staff, and corporations and foundations — is an integral part to offering the many aspects of a unique KMS experience.
Gifts to the Annual Fund help to offset student tuition. Participation in the Annual Fund shows your support of KMS and makes a direct impact in the lives of KMS student-athletes. The annual giving campaign begins on July 1 and ends on June 30 every year. There are numerous Ways to Give or Give Online.
For more information, contact Chris Bianchi by email or by phone 802-422-5671 x 251.
Join us at the Killington Golf Course for the annual KSC/KMS Golf Tournament. We'll tee it up for a fun-filled round with KSC Club members, KMS students, alumni, friends, supporters and community members.
All levels of players from beginner to Tiger are welcome!

Killington Mountain School and the Killington Ski Club are excited to host the Annual Scholarship Auction. Scholarships benefit both KSC/KMS Development Program and KMS athletes.
There will be plenty of food and goodies, more than enough for a meal, all while circulating among friends, bidding on amazing silent auction items, and pausing for a very select few, amazing live auction items.
Come back to this page later for more information and to purchase tickets, make donations and purchase program ads.
To volunteer to work on the Auction committee, contact The Auction Committee by email auction@killingtonmountainschool.org
Join us at a KMS event and help support our student-athletes! Your help allows us to provide top-quality events both on the hill and off.
Volunteer at a KMS Event
Volunteer to help at a Killington Mountain School fund raising event. Contact Liz Cardiasmenos for more information.
Help with the KMS Auction
Each year, the Annual KSC/KMS Scholarship Auction and Dinner provides the biggest single-event boost to our fundraising efforts. Funding from the auction helps provide the resources that KSC and KMS student-athletes need to pursue their dreams, and your help lets us support them. Auction volunteers can help in the weeks and months leading up to the event, on the night of the event, or both; contact auction@killingtonmountainschool.org by email for more information.
Volunteer at a KSC/KMS Competition Event
Volunteer to help at a competition event and get a free day pass voucher good for any day after the event. Visit the KSC/KMS Development Program website or contact Jeannine Bennett the KMS Event Coordinator, via e-mail at jbennett@killingtonmountainschool.org for a list of dates and positions.
Help with the KSC Annual Ski Swap
Each fall, KMS helps the Killington Ski Club put on the Annual Ski Swap. The three-day event features great deals on new and used hardgoods and apparel while supporting the Killington Ski Club and Killington Mountain School. Contact Johnny Okolovich by email (johnnyo@killingtonskiclub.com) or by phone (802-422-6894) for more information.